Create CD pipeline
Task Details
Currently, the live "production" environment for this project is the main
branch. However, to actually check the state of this environment, the code needs to be pulled, run, and checked. Having a Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline will automate the deployment of this branch so that there is always a live website with the latest code.
Acceptance Criteria
Main branch is deployed on a cloud provider -
Live URL that can be visited that contains the main branch's code -
Subsequent updates to the main branch will update the deployment.
Additional comments
It is important to note that the MongoDB container used currently is probably not a good idea to deploy, as it will get wiped every time we deploy so it won't persist anything. This can be seen as either good or bad, honestly. However, it can probably be migrated out of the system and we can use a cluster provided by MongoDB (Atlas) and just update this on every deploy. This is additional work though, and can form a new issue.